Assistant: Do you love me?

Viviane Freitas

  • 20
  • Feb
  • 2014

Assistant : Do you love me?

  • 20
  • Feb
  • 2014

“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”  The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?”
He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” (John 21:15-17)

Which is the greatest proof of love that you can show to God, if it is not to take care of the lost sheep?

We will talk about this issue because it was for this purpose that the Holy Spirit possessed our lives.

The word shepherd has much to say about this issue. If we look up this word in the dictionary, we can see the
depth of our service to God. It is much more than just being friendly, nice, well-speaker, loving, caring, etc; things that are undoubtedly important personal characteristics in an assistant and essential to reach people. However, the only thing that shows your love for the souls is your unconditional surrender.

Notice what the word: ‘Shepherd’ means:

Lead to pasture: Feed the flock

– Feed, nurture.

Fig. Recreate: Shepherd the view, the eyes.

Indoctrinate: Teach, instruct.

When can you feed someone who is suffering?

When you feed at yourself first! Living a true faith, having a true relationship with God. And then, you will have all you need to help others and lead them to Salvation.

When do you have conditions to help people?

– When you are humble to hear God’s voice and obey Him. That is when you have capacity to teach others.

To be honest, you are the first sheep that have to be shepherd. If you are not saved, you will never be able to save souls. Do not forget that. Being like that, your attitudes are seen in practice naturally.

In practice:

You are attentive to the needs of the people in your Church.
You are able to help them, going to meet them.

Watching at those who are for the first time or have been far from the church in order to talk with them after the meeting.Being steady in the counseling.
Write down the names of the people that you are counseling as a way to show that you assume that responsibility. During the meeting, look at people. Look if they are paying attention to the preach or not; so that you can counsel them later. Keep an eye on how people pray to understand if they are really given their life to God.
Metaphorically: You are a “shepherd” in constant surveillance.

Have you observed the intensity of what Jesus expects from you? Today, He asks you the same question: ‘Do
you love Me?’

Does your answer agree with that?

Leave your comment because it shows your commitment.

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3 comentários

  1. Saying I Love Jesus is more than words,because its easy to agree to love Him…before I answer yes Jesus I love you,I first need to observe my deeds before Him and His people.His people are the greatest for me to show my love to!

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  2. Thank you very much for the message,,from now I will start practice to be a good shepherd. i have have seen that I was not looking at the people to see if they are paying attension or not. I will start showing my Jesus that i love Him not only by words, but through my services i will give to His sheeps.

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  3. As from now on I wont claim to love Jesus by mere words, but will practice to be a good Shepherd because I am picking up from this message some of the things that I have never don e for the sheep of Jesus, although I have been serving for quite long.

    Thank you.

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