8th day – When does God not trust someone?

Viviane Freitas

  • 17
  • Jun
  • 2014

8th day – When does God not trust someone?

  • 17
  • Jun
  • 2014

Today is already the 8th day of our Quarantine, Being One with Him, and today’s topic is: when does God not trust someone?

Are you Curious? So does that mean that God does not trust certain people? Yes! Let us see who they are?

“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.” (John 2:23-25)

After all, why didn’t the Lord Jesus trust people, what is the secret?

The answer is: He doesn’t’ trust someone when they only believe in Him because of the signs and wonders He does.

When you believe in Jesus for the wonders that happened in your life or because of something extraordinary that happened, it proves that He exists, but you did not take advantage of this belief.

When we first get to church, we often need to see signs, but when you have been in church for a while and only believe because of the signs, then your faith becomes weak, you will not grow spiritually. You will always have to seek circumstances to believe, to be happy, and to relate to God. And that’s not the way to go!

When we believe in God only for the miracles this does not allow us to develop our faith. We will become stagnant. That is why many people are in the church for many years, and give a bad testimony, they might even believe in Jesus and are grateful for the things He did their lives, but they have no experience with Him because they have not believed in His Word. When we believe in Him in His Word, we submit, obey, and change our thoughts allowing Him to guide us. We show what we should be doing and we make God a priority.

When we believe in the Lord Jesus through the Word, the Spirit of God that sustains us, it will bring into existence what does not exist, just like it happened in the creation of the world.

God created the world just with His Words. He said, “Let there be light” and there was light!

When I obey the Word I believe in, it brings into existence what does not exist, and not just superficially, but inside, it’s something glorious, magnificent, and that does not allow us to be the same person. We have different experiences with God.

When I ask a Christian person about their experience, they usually say: “Oh, when I entered the church…” so that means that so many years have passed and they only had an experience with God at the beginning. And nothing else happened until today.

This is evidence that you believe in Him for His wonders, and not for the Word. You are not allowing the Word of God to give you direction, change your behavior. You are not able to obey the way you should.

You might not steal, kill, or practice anything grotesque, but you read the Bible as a religious person, just to say you have fulfilled your duty, but in your day-to-day you do not seek, persist. You are not careful, you do not have fear, and you do not hear God’s voice through the Word. Rather, you think, “I’ve read this, I’ve heard the pastor talk about this already…” You are not interested in going beyond that.

We’ve only read two verses, my friend, but see how He talks to us, cleanses us…

That’s what I want to draw your attention to: To take advantage of God’s Word. You have the Bible at your hands and the opportunity that many didn’t have, to meditate on God’s Word like you do today.

You even say: “What a strong Word this has been for me.” But if you seek you will find exactly what I have to offer you, because I sought, I believed in what was written, and “chased” this Word and it became a reality in my life.

Do not think that because I am Bishop Macedo’s daughter I was born perfect! If you only knew how many flaws I had… I have to be alert so that God can give me new things. Otherwise I would be talking about the past, about when I was an assistant, how glorious and magnificent it was… I would be talking about things that happened many years ago, and would have no life because I would not be living what I read.

When you read the Word of God you are not careful, fearful, you do not keep it and you do not think about it throughout your day. Instead, you just read the Bible and forget it. You forget what the Lord Jesus said, and focus on everything that you have to do. You go on thinking about your responsibilities and work, and that’s it! You are conformed to yourself, and you do not “chase” after what the Word of God can bring to your life. And therefore you lose your opportunity. You cannot be a trustworthy person. You cannot grow! If I were to ask you about your experience, perhaps you will refer back to something that happened many years ago. You would be embarrassed, unsure, as if I were confronting or threatening you.

Since you want to take pleasure only in the physical things that you do daily, and not with the Word of God, you will loose out.

Do you want to make disciples, as I’m doing here, through my Blog? Then, do the same! Do not depend on others.

You can follow the blog, read the posts, go to church, this will add on, but don’t wait for anyone “run” after the Word of God which gives you life, and the privilege of taking care of people and have results.

I want to read your comment! Leave a “small part” of yourself here on the Blog. I want to know you. Give me the privilege of getting to know you.

To me you are not a lost cause, but an opportunity. And I am very happy to have this opportunity.

A big hug and we will be back here tomorrow!

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9 comentários

  1. this is powerful from today il start live in the word of god nt just to read but to meditate day and night

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  2. I want the word of God to be made real in my life and not to busy with the non essential things if the world.

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  3. I fell behind in reading this challenge but something I have been passing through is exactly this. Wanting signs and wonders to renew my faith. But this is the emotional faith that has kept me trapped for so long. I have been this person who Jesus doesn’t trust, and really if I am looking to signs or wonders then it’s showing I don’t really trust Jesus and the Word. Obedience to the Word shows my belief, and then from this will flow the living water. I am going to go back and read this again because it broken a stronghold in my mind and I am going to fight to be free.

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