38th day – Jesus, the Fountain of Living Water
- 17
- Jul
- 2014
Hello everyone, we’re on the 38th day of the 40-day fast. Have you remained steadily?
During this 40-day fast while I meditated on God’s Word, I noticed that many people made comments about what happened to them a time long ago. And others say, “I am like that! I identify with this message, because I am seeing myself this way. ”
There is a difference between those who perceive themselves and those who look at what happened in the past, and not the present. You might say, “But I speak of what happened in the past because I have overcome my past, I was like that and now I am not.”
God’s Word is renewed every day. For example, every time I read the Bible, it is not repetitive, there is always something new that makes me broaden my vision, reminisce and have more zeal with the Word of God, and practicing fear in my daily life. It gives me the discernment to take action…
The Word of God is life, but it depends on you. Maybe you feel good about yourself thinking you are growing inside, and you receive the Word as information instead of learning and reflecting on it on your day to day.
For example, we talked about muttering: So, you should constantly watch if you complain when you feel “pain” or when someone abandons their faith and is reluctant in their thoughts.
Although you overcame in the past you have to continue the fight, today and tomorrow as well keeping and having zeal for the Word of God. So when you face difficult times and are tempted you will remember and practice what you have learned.
I want you, reader, to use your intelligence because we were made in the image and likeness of God. So, we are not “dumb”. We only become so when we do not think! We have a choice.
The moment I think, today I will use my intelligence and not live in the past, then when you comment you will talk about what is happening currently.
The Word of God has come to you, and now? What is happening in your interior? What do you see?
“On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” (John 7: 37)
The Lord Jesus stood up on the last day of the feast, and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink” Perhaps, many people even though they are among friends at a party where there is dancing, laughter, conversation they still do not fit in. There is something missing… they thirst, and if they thirst Jesus is the only One able to quench that thirst!
Those of you who are commenting, if you thirst for God, then you will go to Him and “drink”. In order to do so, you do not need to hold someone’s hand or pray with someone, this is done on your own. When Jesus invites us to drink from the Water of Life, He does so to each person individually, inviting him or her to draw close to Him.
“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Those who believe in the Lord Jesus, as it is written, they have something to give, because when you are thirsty you do not rely on anyone to satisfy it or transmit a word of faith, you go directly to God!
I often tell the people I work with – wives, pastors – that God wants to speak with us directly, and not through someone else. He only uses someone else when you do not go directly to God, because you are too busy and are not sensitive to His voice. So God has to use someone who is sensitive to His voice to give them a direction.
When you believe in what is written you will never be the same!
For you know that every problem has a solution because you believe in Jesus, and this belief makes you rely solely on Him! It allows you to expose what is happening, to bring into existence what, perhaps is only in your mind. It makes you challenge your faith and does not allow you to hold back or be afraid to tackle the problem; instead you will have the power to solve it!
” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him…”
Those who believe will receive the Holy Spirit, and those who do not believe will be left out. And you might say, “But I believe, Viviane… Why have I not received the Holy Spirit yet?”
Do you know why?
Because you have not fully 100% surrendered to Him.
“… for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”
When Jesus went to the cross and died for you and me, being faithful to the end, there was a sacrifice and after this He was glorified!
Jesus was faithful to the end, without, doubting, complaining, or anything of the sort. He was being a living testimony for us. He felt the pain of the sacrifice, and said: “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me. nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done. “After talking with God in the Garden of Gethsemane, the soldiers came to meet Him and He stepped forward. The soldiers asked who was Jesus and He replied: “I am He”. Even though He felt the pain, He took on the sacrifice for me and for you, glorifying the Father!
When we decided to put God first in our lives, even though it is very painful we will go until the end and run to sacrifice.
We glorify God with our sacrifice. There is no other way!
Jesus was the Son of God, had the Holy Spirit, but was only glorified when He died for us, when His sacrifice was consummated. The same way we can only have the glory of God when we sacrifice and lay our life down before Him. When we renounce our desires, needs, and our “rights”.
If you believe, you will be another “Viviane” in whatever town, country, or state you are in. You will not only take care of a few people, but you will bring life to many other people. This is what I want for you! For you to revolutionize the kingdom of the devil, so that the Lord Jesus may be glorified and other lives can have God’s eternal salvation and enjoy the Water of Life!
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Maria Crizel Somera
16th June 2016 at 15:35
Hi Miss Viviane, thank you for the strong message. Our Lord Jesus, the fountain of Living Water that quence our thrist, and His word bring life. I agree to what you said in a phrase Miss Viviane, if we are thrist we dont need anybody to accompany us, we go directly and take action, we use our intelligent faith. In order to flow the Living Water on us we must submit our life to God, do His will and not our will. We just like our Lord Jesus Christ that He submit to the will of Father. He obeyed God, until the end of His life. To believe in God, is ready to sacrife our life. Everyday we denied our will, the lust of our flesh and do the right way so that it flows the Living Water, the Spirit of God through His words bring us life. And now we become new person, a total transformation inside out. We become like Him, not perfectly but we bear His character for we are His children.
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