16th day | How do you teach others?

Viviane Freitas

  • 21
  • Aug
  • 2018

16th day | How do you teach others?

  • 21
  • Aug
  • 2018

August 21th | Tuesday | Matthew 7.28-29

And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

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  1. Good morning all, :),

    Today I want to share my testimony. I used to be someone who was always depending on the opinion of others, to the point that when someone would think something negative of me, it would irritate me, and I would try to defend myself, justify myself and even debate with them. That attitude was linked to my past, my family members used to criticise and badmouth things I would do.
    I had anger inside, because how can you be happy chasing other people’s approval? It is simply impossible.
    I was just like the Pharisees – until God revealed to me that my treasure was my reputation. The Pharisees were so worried about their reputation that they didn’t cease the biggest opportunity of their lives : be saved.

    And that’s when my eyes were opened, I was finally free because God revealed to me the answer, the source of my unhappiness.

    Making Him my treasure is the best choice I ever made.

    Of course, I will keep watching until the end because the devil is not tired of trying to bring me back where I was.

    Thank you for sharing, God’s Word make us free and light!

    Nancy Miller

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