What have you done when faced with a problem?

Viviane Freitas

  • 17
  • Sep
  • 2014

What have you done when faced with a problem?

  • 17
  • Sep
  • 2014

“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing.” (John 9: 4-7)

The Lord Jesus used His faith and He also teaches us to do the same. He took the initiative and did what no one had done. He did not just anointed that man’s eyes or lay His hands on him, He did something unexpected. He spat on the ground and made ​​clay and after anointing the blind man He send him to wash them in the pool of Siloam.

What to do when faced with a problem? “How can I perform the work that God has taught me and sent to do if I’m not an assistant or pastor’s wife?” From the moment that you believe in God you have the responsibility to do what He has sent you to do! God has worked in your favor and also wants to work in the lives of the people around you. He does not want you to be indifferent with the situation of those around you, He wants you to do His will and use your faith.

He wants you to use your faith not in a systematic way because faith is spontaneous. It is something that is not planned and no one expects. That is the how a miracle happens!

When you have this belief you speak and act unexpectedly, because faith is a certainty and you do not fear what others think.

Jesus made ​​clay with His spit. Looking with our physical eyes, it could be look at as unethical, but faith only seeks to achieve what is needed. The blind man was anointed, washed his eyes and came back with sight!

The Lord Jesus made ​​this man use his own faith. If there is obedience, there is a materializing of faith. In order to obey the Lord Jesus he would have faced many difficulties to reach the pool of Siloam due to his condition.

Maybe you are “blind” right now, you cannot see anything, but when you believe you will “feel” around to get to where you are directed to go. Faith is like that! It requires participation, certainty, and consistency.

The blind man was not healed instantly; he had to go to the pool to wash the clay off. See there is a process. There are cases where you do not see God’s answer right away, but you should persist, walk to where the Lord Jesus has sent you to go. Be consistent and firm.

When I want to take possession of what God promised in my life – because this does not only apply to you – I have to use my faith. It is not “magic”! And my faith demands perseverance, for God does not always answer me right away, but in a week, three months, one year later…

Do not be “blind,” obey the Word of God. When you believe you obey, and have peace! Do not lead your life the way you think is best. The blind man did not disobey Jesus by saying, “Why do you not heal me once and for all instead of sending me to the pool of Siloam?” He submitted to the Lord Jesus, washed his eyes and came back with sight.

You have to see! Put your faith into action when facing a problem, whether it is external, with your family, companions of war, or your personal life.

Leave your comment I want to know more about you!

We will be back on Friday.

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11 comentários

  1. Thank you Mrs Viviane for sharing this message with us and which made us understand clearly how we must always do our part while God is doing His and see God’s miracle happen in our life.

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  2. Hi Mrs Vivian

    This is true.We should always use our faith.I have come across many challenges in my life.Our biggest war after finding Jesus is to fight for our family to be saved like us.To know God like we do.Faith conquers all.I remember my first sacrifice that was answered I believed in God more to this day..God is pleased when we use our faith.

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  3. Jesus taught us to use faith, but it was an eye opener to actually think that Jesus himself used faith..he didn’t just tell us to do this and that He himself had faith and did it himself. Jesus is truly the example we need to follow! Thank you for sharing Mrs Viviane

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  4. Is true Mrs viviane for us to have what we want it demand us perseverance and obedience in the word of God. The answer will came in God ways

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  5. Thank you Mrs Viviane, there is a part I never noticed in this until now that you have opened my eyes to it.When Jesus sent this man to wash himself , he was still blind but his faith prompted him to go in that state until he reached the river.Many times we miss out on God ‘s blessing because we want here and now answers.

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