What do you like to do the most? (Part V)

Viviane Freitas

  • 21
  • Apr
  • 2016

What do you like to do the most? (Part V)

  • 21
  • Apr
  • 2016

In last week’s post, we talked about the importance of exclusively relaying on God. Why should we develop this communion?

Because when God speaks, it is the most beautiful thing there is. I put myself in my place and this does not make me feel humiliated or inferior. I do not need someone to define me or to stand out for everyone to notice me… God gives me an assurance that is incomparable! Not as a “power”, but to be conscious of how much I depend on Him, like a “little baby” in his mother’s arms.

That’s when I see myself as being imperfect and recognize how much I need to be close to Him.

That’s why something “beautiful” is not about having “power”, or knowing how to do something, or being famous, or having many friends, or being moved to a greater position, or have been given greater responsibilities, etc. This is not what is wonderful … The wonderful thing is for me to see God with my eyes and have Him talk to me!

For example, what I find most beautiful in my children is when they are humble. That’s when I appreciate them the most, I want to be close to them, I have pleasure being in their company. But when they feel independent, this “independence” makes them distant … They become colder, because they already have what they supposedly need. The same is with those who do not dependent on God. They are far from Him, they no longer have a relationship with Him and therefore are no longer sensitive to His voice.
The only thing they hear is what others tell them. And this is very sad! In order for God to communicate with that person He needs to use someone else, because they are unable to be sensitive to His voice. They are not capable of seeing their reality.

God gave us the capacity to be near Him, but it is up to us to choose to hear Him and attend to His voice.

For example, God allowed me to pass through shameful and difficulties moments and new situation in which I did not know how to deal with, etc. He allowed it so that I can depend completely on Him. But how does a person who thinks has all the “power” or someone who is continually receiving from others act?

That person is distant, does not participate in anything, he or she feels independent, does or says everything with a selfish spirit … and assumes that everything is fine!
That person is distant with her husband, family, does not serve his or her neighbor and becomes intolerant of people, because they feel powerful! They think that the way they manage their life is because of the “beauty” they have from doing what they love. This gives them the security they need. They think their position or responsibilities guarantees something.

If we act this way, we compare ourselves to that “poor ” Church referred to in the book of Revelation:

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked… “(Rev.3: 17)

Because all of us, without any exception, no matter if we grow or not, need God!

When we look at the “daughters of men” who are beautiful, it is because we are not looking to the Altar, but to ourselves, considering our pride and selfishness.

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20 comentários

  1. Amen,very true humbleness is very important when it comes to God servant.I need to acknowledge that I do nothing without God, I need to relay and depended on Him all the days of my life instead of depending on people.Reading through this post is for me,I realise I need to change and stop on relaying on people as I used to do.
    Thank you Mrs

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