What do you like doing the most? (Part I)

Viviane Freitas

  • 24
  • Mar
  • 2016

What do you like doing the most? (Part I)

  • 24
  • Mar
  • 2016

The things we like the most brings us personal satisfaction, it makes us feel reassured, capable and even self-sufficient.
But, because of this satisfaction we can run the risk of giving the “honor” to ourselves.

Let’s give some examples:
When we counsel people, reach out to the people’s needs; resolve the problems that we have at home with our husbands, etc. Everything that is related to what we like, including the work of God, can turn into something bad for us.

The biggest sign that you are seeking to honor yourself is when you no longer depend on God. You do the work of God, you work, you may even give your all in everything you do, but deep, deep down inside in a very subtle way you serve your ego.

You do things to satisfy yourself and not to serve God. This mistake makes you feel capable and above everyone and everything. You put yourself in the position of a Leader because you see yourself as being the only one capable.

For these reasons, everything that we like to do can be a trap, including a position or a title that we hold.

Many times people are sad when they are removed from their responsibilities, because these responsibilities were feeding their pride. Or when you are in the position of giving orders, when you have the power of decision, which has been granted to you, or when you are the “main” person in your area, or the most popular one in your region or church, or even because everyone wants to be near you.

Everything that you like can turn against you!

The fact that you are clean, organized, intelligent, efficient, or get things resolved quickly, can also be a reason to glorify yourself. When you are efficient, help attend other people’s needs, and even when you recognize your own mistakes you can still have pride in that. These examples can be reasons to glorify your self.

Pride can grow in any and everything that you can imagine. Everything!

Because it’s in our human nature to seek it’s own glory at the end of everything and in everything it has.

“Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he is indeed flesh;” (Genesis 6:1-3)

We will continue next week……..

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45 comentários

  1. Pride can easily slip inside of me in a subtle way. I need to be watchful and make sure that what I am doing is for God’s glory rather than my own

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  2. We can do all the works of God. but we need to check our deep inside we are doing it for our own pride or our intention is ony to serve God.

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  3. we shouldn’t have pride in our selves, nly to satisfy my self but i should always do things to serve God.

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