Well successful assistant
- 23
- Jul
- 2015
The question that arises is the following: What is the success of an assistant?
The success of any servant is, first, to maintain their soul saved, and then to win other souls!
However, it is too vague to say that my soul is saved and that my goal is to win souls.
We have observed, wherever we go, that this awareness is common in almost all the assistants, and it has even already become a standard “thesis” in the mindset of many.
Only that the seriousness of the matter is in the practice of the same!
Could it be that indeed this has been your reality on the battlefield?
Could it be that in fact you have retained your salvation and have saved others for the kingdom of heaven? Do you practice it? Or is it just a conscience?
The answers are simple. Just observe your own life, if you have lived the constant sacrifice, renouncing your fleshly desires and persevering the way we mentioned in the last article, whose perseverance pleases God, it’s when we remain in HIS Word, and when we bulletproof at every moment our mind and our interior of all that is corruptible, not letting ourselves be corrupted by the subtlety of feelings.
My companions, the reality is that we only save when we are truly saved; we only free when we are free; we only give sight to the “blind” when we see ourselves.
In short, I give what I am! My spirit speaks more than a thousand words.
You could even be that assistant that is inside the church all-day, but if you´re not living the way mentioned above, then no matter how much you speak, preach, or announce, it’s like putting something into a bag with holes, that will not have any effect. But if you are in the baseline of the sacrifice, then you don´t even need to speak much, your life will speak … your attending will be effective, your words will have life, because they are the reflection of what is inside of you.
This is the well-successful assistant! Be sincere, is there a greater success than this: Of being Saved and Saving?
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23rd August 2017 at 10:41
Very true Mrs V a servant should always practice what they preach . the fruits of God or evil
22nd April 2016 at 20:29
This is true, and it is practical in every thing, for example if you are a volunteer in VBC you can only teach what you know and it is only passed to others if it is practiced by you!
29th September 2015 at 8:43
That was deep. I loved the part where it said “I give what I am!” and it’s true we can’t give what we don’t have. We can give the appearance that we are giving but the end result will show what is truly inside of us. Thanks for the post. It was very helpful.
Miranda Dawn
23rd September 2015 at 16:19
Very true. You give what you have yourself. If there is life and light inside of you, then you pass it onto others. Same for deliverance, healing, passing on Spirit and all other blessings
21st September 2015 at 21:31
I am not yet an assistant but these are excellent points of analysis for myself, for analysing my ministry and my own life before God.
If I really want to be a successful servant of God then I need to be living in complete sacrifice daily and be pushing to save many.
I will be sharing this and helping others to see this as well.
12th August 2015 at 20:34
My Spirit speaks more than a thousand words…thank you Mrs Luisa. This has got me thinking, …
8th September 2015 at 9:44
thank you so much Mrs Luisa for the message,remaining in God’s words and obeying them will make me to be a successful assistant.
thank you once again