Taking care of your spiritual life

Viviane Freitas

  • 14
  • Apr
  • 2014

Taking care of your spiritual life

  • 14
  • Apr
  • 2014

Nowadays, we have found that there are many youths who are suffering from many complexes such as identity crisis, depression, sadness and traumas they carry with them from their past or as they were growing up.

All of this leads them into isolation and thus begins a war between their reasoning and their emotions. 

That’s why it’s important to fill this emptiness that has left scars of the past, but it can only be possible with God. In order for this to happen these youths will have to take care of their spiritual life.
Taking care of your Spiritual life means to be attentive in what you do, who you hang around with, what you talk about and what you feed your thoughts.
Below are a few steps for those who want to guard their relationship with God, and consequently their future.
These steps are for those who want to take care of their relationship with God. If you don’t want to then you don’t need to take the following advice into consideration.

To strengthen any relationship communication is key. Whether it’s in a marriage, engagement, while dating or just with friends. With God it is the same way, be sincere in your prayer, do not repeat only what you know, but what is truly inside you.

God’s word is what makes us strong spiritually because it is through His Word that He speaks to us.  One chapter is more than enough, pay attention to the verbs and respect the punctuations (read preferably The New Testament) don’t just read but put into practice what you read.
Prove you truly surrender to CHRIST by burying your old nature (giving up mistakes, habits, and emotions) by becoming a new person and starting a new life.

To develop means to grow, to progress, to go forward, and this is very important when it comes to our salvation. When I come to the meetings on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and I put into practice what I have been taught, then I will grow in my relationship with God. I will become strong spiritually so that I can overcome temptations, persecutions, and tribulations that I will face in life.

Give to others what you have freely received and are receiving by announcing to those who are suffering what God has done and is doing in your life.
EXAMPLE: If I receive anger, then I will transmit anger; if someone took me to the Youth Group, then I will most likely bring a youth as well, etc. Proving to others that I am not selfish, but instead I seek to do God’s will in me as well.

Give hope to those who are lost and need to be found.


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6 comentários

  1. Boa noite, a humildade e9 algo muito prdufnoo pois contraria todas as nossas prf3prias vontades.Mas se queremos viver em novidade de vida temos que ser humildes para abrir das nossos vontades para fazer a vontade de Deus.Antes nos humilharmos diante de Deus do que ser humilhado pelos homens.Porque tudo que fazemos para Deus resulta em algo positivo em nossas vidas. Muitos beijinhos.

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  2. Thak you for the post. It really helped me to see the importance of taking care of my spiritual life

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  3. TRUE taking care of our spiritual lives is the most important thing in our lives, reading God’s word is what makes us strong spiritually because it is through His Word that He speaks to us.

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  4. Thank you for this post. This help me in different ways in my spiritual life.

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    1. Boa tarde Vivi ! Como vai ?Na realidade eu comtuso dizer que , obedecer e9 sacrificar ! Porquea ?Quantas vezes queremos fazer a vontade de Deus mas do nosso jeito e nao da maneira como te9m de ser feito .Ai entra o sacrificio do nosso ego,do nosso saber, da nossa experieancia , do nosso querer etc .Depois de sacrificar-mos tudo isso ficamos livres e temos o maior prazer de obedecer em tudo e assim Deus se agrada de nos e do trabalho de nossas maos que dara muito fruto .Um forte abrae7o

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  5. This is true so many times we as the you the make the mistake of thinking that the void that is in our hearts can be filled with the things of this world.Yes sometimes we can feel the joy from those things but that joy is momentarily. But when we allow GOD in our lives that is when we start to experience the real joy & peace.

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