
Viviane Freitas

  • 22
  • Mar
  • 2014


  • 22
  • Mar
  • 2014

When looking at a picture not everyone perceives the same things, even with prefect vision some see certain detail that may go unseen by others.

I was looking at a photo with my husband and after a few seconds of looking at it I said, “look, they have the same cell phone case that I have!!” And then he said, “You women sure do pay attention to everything! I barely noticed their face and you already noticed what kind of cell phone case they had.”  

That conversation really got me thinking. There are some things that only we women with our detailed panoramic vision pay attention to. I started paying more attention to how I was using my vision, since it could be used to my benefit or not. If I use it correctly then I’ll be wise.

I began to ask other youths if they noticed little things in one of the rooms and I was surprised at how many of them failed to notice what I noticed. But why didn’t they if they are also females and they were looking at the same thing? It’s because they haven’t quite developed that vision yet. They see things in general so the little things just go unnoticed.

How about when it comes to my interior? If I can’t notice the things that are in front of me, how can I notice the small things inside of me? When it comes to myself and my inner being I have to notice things with more detail and not let anything go unnoticed, if there are doubts, evil thoughts, past traumas, comparisons, fears, feelings of inferiority, letdowns, and deceptions that exist and I don’t identify them, I’m not watchful of them, then how am I going to overcome them?

I have to be radical and attentive to every decision that I make when figuring out what’s blocking me or what’s impeding me from moving forward and overcoming my own limits, including every word that I say, and every thought that I have. I have to pay attention to every little detail inside of myself.

Just like I was paying attention to the details in the photo remember? Well, when it comes to my inner being it has to be much more.

How is your vision, limitless or Limited?

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5 comentários

  1. Thanks Mrs V i will keep in mind that I must not only pay attention to things that won’t benefit me but things that will give me wisdom thanks again

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  2. Rhnk you this is so true we need to see inside us to know whats going on around us. I will keep this in mind

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  3. Thank you for sharing!
    It’s very important to have a limitless vision. A vision to see within ourselves but also a vision to see around us. If we can see what we have inside, things that aren’t good for us, we can change that and work on it, how else can we change ourselves and grow and be a woman of God? And it’s good to see around us; to notice the good things of people not the negative things.

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  4. Good Morning !
    we need pay very good attention to small details.
    And do an exam to see everything that is not good and change .
    Because when God created us he made us perfect without , doubts, evil thoughts, past traumas, comparisons, fears, feelings of inferiority, letdowns, and deceptions.But now we have a chance to change all of this .

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  5. Good day Mrs Ana

    Thank you for sharing this inspiring post. I will use my mind and work on analysing even those small details about myself because those unnoticed things are what make me who I am. I will work on them too and broaden my vision.

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