Music – “With the old breed”

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • Oct
  • 2016

Music – “With the old breed”

  • 9
  • Oct
  • 2016

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1 comentário

  1. Good day Ma.
    i stumbled upon yr blog while I was searching thru google.
    I read yr article on ‘being quiet, shy and indecisive’ and I was moved.
    I’m in a very difficult situation and I find it very difficult to deal with my attitude and character.
    I can’t locate that article again but I’d like to let u know that u re really doing a great job.. the article was helpful..
    I would be honoured if u can give me an opportunity to chat (e-mail) with u on private grounds.

    Your Son,

    Thank u ma, for inspiring me

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