Knowing and doing!

Elaine Rocha

  • 10
  • Nov
  • 2015

Knowing and doing!

  • 10
  • Nov
  • 2015

Think with me: Does an obese dietitian or endocrinologist have credibility?

My apologies, but for me they have no credibility because if they know the healthy way of living and the methods they use for their patients work, why don’t you see results on them?

And the same thing happens with faith!

You can say you have faith, that you do this and that, that you obey God, but people are not watching what you say but rather what your life shows!

What kind of faith have you been manifesting?

Are you that person that know what is right, but don’t practice it?

Or are you the one who is seeking the results of your faith?

My cybernaut friend, God will not change your life if you do not practice the faith that He has given you!

How many times have you promised yourself that you “I’ll change, I’ll leave that, I’ll be stronger etc.” and cried before God but you didn’t take an attitude?

To see changes in your life you have to make effort, sacrifice!

What haven’t you practiced and expected results?

Next week we will talk more about this matter!

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11 comentários

  1. Faith is not about knowing but its the works that define faith. When I live upright and blameless before God, I manifest the true faith in me.

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  2. its true people watch what your life shows if you are born of God(bornagain).i have heard of story where a bornagain woman went to envagelize in a hospital and she was told to first ask the God she was talking about to improve her life before telling them about its important to manifest our faith in every area of our lives ie spiritual,financial,love life.

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  3. Loved this phrase “To see changes in your life you have to make effort, sacrifice!” Sure will practice it and make it part of my daily life!
    Thank You, God Bless You!

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  4. We can’t say that our life is amazing if others look at our lives and see everything is going bad for us. People look more at our lives than what we say about it. And for a change to happen, we need to change ourselves. We need to recognize that we need God and we need to sacrifice and actually use our faith to see a result.

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  5. Thank you for this message,

    Thank you for using this example ” obese dietitian”. People look at your life, not about what we say.

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  6. Amen ! Donna this is so very true and yes definitely for me thanks be to the holy spirit for using you to share this with us God bless you more ?

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