How to raise children for God in practice?

Josiane Boccoli

  • 5
  • Dec
  • 2015

How to raise children for God in practice?

  • 5
  • Dec
  • 2015

Do you remember the last post, where I said I taught Gabi to pray for his little friend? So … we prayed for 5 consecutive days. On the sixth day, I brought his little friend so that he could play with him here at home, to my son’s surprise! he thought that his beloved friend, since primary school, no longer wanted him around!

They played for hours, laughed, had fun, ate dinner together and before he left, my husband anointed him, without him noticing.
We continued with our purpose of praying, teaching Gabi not to fight back and put aside all the bad words and attitudes that he receives. As much as he cried, and saw that for the first time my son felt a rejection, at no time did we comfort or orient him to do the same, no! We have chosen to guide Gabi along the paths of Faith, teaching him to love with patience, to understand that it was not “his friend” who did not want him anymore, however, it was an evil that would be reprimanded through our prayers.

And so we continued! It was not easy … I saw my son hurt, saying, “I will not forgive”. I realized at this point that it would be of extreme importance to give him guidance, and I invested hours with Gabi, teaching him to forgive even when we do not want to, but we do it because it is the right thing to do, because we chose to please God and not because the person deserves it! It was very difficult for him to understand, but we overcame together! And we remain in our purpose of prayer.
On the seventh day, Gabi returned from school cheerful, saying that his little friend was acting the same as before.

I will leave you with what my son said:
“Mom, my friend loves me again! He stays with me; he protects me again from all the other colleagues who offend me… I am so happy, and I have to thank God. He heard me mother!”

Dear friend and mom, this story could have had a very different ending if I had not chosen to sacrifice my feelings of a mother and taught my son to use faith. Do you agree?

How difficult it is to sacrifice a feeling, but when we do for Him, God honors.

At night, while we were praying, I mentioned Gabi’s friend name and at that moment he interrupted me saying, “Mom, we do not need to pray for him, God has already changed his heart, now let’s pray for another. »

This is the Faith!

What about you, what have you chosen to teach your child?

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9 comentários

  1. Yes , we should rise our children according to the will of God. Teaching them to practice the word of God, praying for other and shun evil while they are young.

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  2. This is very hard but possible. Something I must pay closer attention to is – my son is not too young to develop faith in our Lord. Thank you for this practical teaching.

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  3. Amen, I will I invest applying faith with my children in this way. Thanks for opening my eyes.

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  4. While reading this post I thought about an incident that happend with my 6 year old son and I can relate to your story. Almost two months ago I went to go pick up my son after school I asked my son how was his day and He came back and said He had a bad day. Looking at him I asked “What is wrong Jordan) he said my friends were being mean to me and were calling me names and making fun of me (He was sad)  but Jordan (Son) came back and said “Im going to be mean to them too mommy”. Boy oh Boy when Jordan said that I paused for a second and came back saying “Son you are better than that. I understand you are mad and hurt right now but why dont you just pray to God and let God take care of things”. Jordan came back and said “Mommy can you help me Pray for those mean kids at school?” I started Praying and Jordan repeated everything I was saying. Well the next day while getting my son ready I prayed for my Son, His School, and his Classmates telling God “My son is in your Hands”. It was that time again to pick up Jordan from School and I asked him again “Jordan how was your day?”  My son came back and said “Mommy the kids were being real nice to me God heard my prayer 🙂  After telling me he had a good day at school my son thanked me and he continues to use his Faith <3

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  5. This is inspiring I have to practice this with my girls.. Thank you for the post.

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  6. Wow, very powerful indeed…i need to practice this with my five year old too…thanks for the inspiration. ..Stay blessed

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