Experience: How to get out of the Cocoon, continued…

Viviane Freitas

  • 22
  • Nov
  • 2014

Experience : How to get out of the Cocoon, continued…

  • 22
  • Nov
  • 2014

How to get out of the Cocoon? Maybe that’s your question?

I’m going to tell you the honest truth, if you want to be for God, it’s not enough knowing the Word of God, it is necessary to practice it, and reject the way you live, beginning to act in a different manner.

The transformation begins from the inside out, and you will never be a woman who flies far away, if in your life with God, you keep on crawling like a caterpillar.

Compare your life with what is written in God’s Word, and see if it coincides.

Calm down, don’t tell me: “no Sara, but I don’t steal, I don’t prostitute myself, I don’t live lying … Well, that’s the least we can do, once we say we are Christian. I’m talking about what you accept to feel, of the thoughts you nourish, of the voices that you hear and agree with.

For example, I will tell you what I found in me, so that you can better understand:

The Word of God says that “ALL THINGS are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23), but I did not see it possible for me to get rid off my shyness.

It is also written that “… Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21: 5), but I accepted to carry the traumas and complexes because of my past.

I had already read that the timid and cowardly will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven … Hey, but wasn’t it exactly how I was: Shy and Coward?

Oh … Also I was already aware that the Lord’s Joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10), but I felt weak and debilitated in front of my feelings of inadequacy.

Now I ask you, was there a point to the prissy life I apparently led, if inside of me I lived slaved by all these things, and did not obligate myself through the belief in the Word of God, to get results of my faith?

Could God do His work through me, if I was timid, cowardly and insecure?
Tell me honestly, dear reader, my life showed that I was connected to God?

It was a life separated from Him, and connected to myself.

My second step was to bring to existence that which did not exist, demand answers of my faith; but pay close attention, it was not to demand of God, that He do something in me, it was to seek in Him strength and begin to take an attitude, be violent with my own self, and no longer accept to be enslaved and dependent of my husband or the work of God to carry me on their lap.

Come out of the cocoon, means BEING the fulfillment of the Word of God, and if that is not happening, it means that you DO for Him, but ARE not like Him.

It’s hard to hear that, isn’t?

But it was when I encountered this truth that the transformation started happening inside me.

People; prepare yourselves, heavy stuff is coming along, after these two steps:

1) Beginning to seek Being one with God
2) Demanding results of my faith, bringing in me the existence of which did not exist

My first challenge came; next post I’ll share, and you can’t imagine what lies ahead…

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2 comentários

  1. Mrs Sara, this is very hard to hear indeed, but it’s exactly what I needed to hear and I believe there is not a moment to waste in getting started with the above mentioned steps inorder to see results within myself. Thank you for sharing. Kisses

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  2. I am looking forward to the rest of your testimonies Mrs. Sara. I too had been a slave of my emotions and self rather than connected to God. I’m sure it will help me a lot in my battle in faith.

    God bless.

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