Do you see to include or exclude yourself?

Viviane Freitas

  • 26
  • Sep
  • 2014

Do you see to include or exclude yourself?

  • 26
  • Sep
  • 2014

In the past articles we have talked about whether you want to include or exclude yourself and today we will continue on that subject:

“And Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.”

Then some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these words, and said to Him, “Are we blind also?”

Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see.’ Therefore your sin remains. ” (John 9: 39-41)

We see here that many people when they see and begin to notice their mistakes, weaknesses and sins begin to feel condemned and often exclude themselves because of it. When the Lord Jesus says He came for judgment, to do justice that is not to condemn, but to teach us discipline because judgment is attached to discipline.

When you notice you have interior problems from the past, inappropriate behavior, and you exclude yourself you avoid hearing the truth, being aware or solving an issue. You are actually excluding yourself to ignore something that needs to be confronted. We cannot allow ourselves to be hidden for the rest of our lives, because that will eat at us until it is resolved.

There are problems that are like a burden, that make you feel condemned, which nobody understands, and makes you exclude yourself. But when you acknowledge your mistakes and are humble and say: “I will learn! What is missing in me? Is my past haunting me? Is my sin prevailing? Then, I will put an end to this.” Intelligent faith has nothing to do with feelings, because when you run away you feel attacked, inferior, and misunderstood. Intelligent faith says, “Let’s roll up our sleeves and solve the issue! I may be selfish, proud, or whatever but as of today, I will end this problem. I will no longer torment or be tormented. ”

If you are seeing and recognizing your mistakes it is because of the work of the Holy Spirit!

And those who recognize their mistakes and exclude themselves become blind. They will have to depend on someone all their life. Is that what you want?

Of course not!


“Are we blind also?”
 Friend, let me explain: If your conscience condemns you, then something is certainly wrong.

 ” Jesus said to them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see.’ Therefore your sin remains. “

If you recognize your mistakes, but do not do anything to solve the issue, you ignore it, feel accused, and do not get past that, then you will not resolve anything because you are using an emotional faith. When has emotional faith resolved any problem or has made you feel valued?


When we feel valued we have the willingness to fight! That is also how intelligent faith works it makes you “rolls up your sleeves” and do what you need to do. It makes you confront the problem, and make happen what does not exist. You learn! You have disposition, strength to solve the problem. But on the other hand, you will remain blind and dependent of others to solve your problem.


Like the Pharisees, who had a guilty conscience, but remained the same!


I hope, friend, you see and do not remain blind, and include yourself.


A big hug and until Monday

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20 comentários

  1. Dear Mrs Viviane, this is very true. If you are seeing and recognizing your mistakes it is because of the work of the Holy Spirit! But many times the devil makes us think that if we recognize our mistakes its a sin, or we should be ashamed, when in actual fact shame should come when The Holy Spirit works to reveal our mistakes and we just turn a blind eye. Thank you because from now on I will always remember that recognizing my mistakes is the work of The Holy Spirit and therefore I should not be ashamed or blind

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  2. to use my intelligent faith over my emotional faith is the way to solve my problems got it!what stood out for me on this post is that, when i have i problem i exclude myself with the fear to be judged, and the right thing to do is recognize and don’t pretend that i have nothing.great message thanks

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  3. Hi Mrs Viviane,
    I had personal experience of this.My problem though was that I thought I could handle things by myself (which I couldn’t). When we recognize our mistakes, it is already hard and sometimes we are even in denial, then the next step of confronting the mistake exposes it which makes it even more difficult so in order to avoid this step, many times I just excluded myself but not much changed as a result. It has been a process for me, but I have seen so many changes since I have realized my mistakes and faced them head on. It was also handy to remember that we all make mistakes, its the way we handle them and what we do after that makes the difference.

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  4. Thank you for sharing senora,before I started giving my life to God I was blind from my past and I give thanks to God for giving me the right path. I’m happy God changed a lot of things in my life with out God I would be the women I am today. thank you senora again 🙂

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  5. Thank you Mrs Freitas ,the key word to this message is humbleness, because for some1 to get help it takes humbleness for that person to ask but if that person is proud she/he will never see when something is wrong with him or her or when she or he needs help. thank you

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  6. Thank you for sharing Mrs Viviane, I have been having issues whereby WHEN I recognize a problem or see something in me that not right and I don’t try to do anything about it it like I’m saying to myself what I’m doing there nothing wrong with it but deep down inside I know I have to change The key word is humbleness Up until today I didn’t know that every time I allow my weakness and mistakes gets the better of me, I am using emotional faith. I would always think that, “This is me, I have to accept it.” But recently God had been showing me that this attitude is not good, it is actually UGLY! Argh…

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