Do not focus on the problem—focus on faith!

Elaine Rocha

  • 8
  • Sep
  • 2015

Do not focus on the problem—focus on faith!

  • 8
  • Sep
  • 2015

Who doesn’t have problems and difficulties in this life?

We all have an obstacle to overcome! Since childhood, we already have challenges to overcome, like overcoming the fear of falling while taking the first steps, the first day of school in kindergarten, overcoming the fear of getting hurt while learning to ride a bicycle and so on!

But have you noticed that when we focused on the goal, it led you to conquer!
That’s right, I remember when I was learning to ride a bike, I fell several times, but I got up and tried again, and I don’t even remember the pain or the scratches, because the willingness to learn was much bigger!

That’s how it is in our life … When we begin to mature, many difficulties arise, insecurities, and challenges but faith makes us focus on the goal and we have the strength to fight until we conquer, without giving up!

And when we fight for the salvation of our soul for eternity, that faith doesn’t become discouraged, but perseveres until the arrival in the Kingdom of Heaven! Furthermore, if you have the goal of being saved, you’ll never be discouraged by the difficulties, on the contrary, the difficulties will make you strengthen your relationship with God and live in His dependence!

Dear cybernaut, do not give up on the first attempt, and much less with the difficulties … Focus on faith because it makes you strong and confident in knowing that what God promised will be fulfilled through your perseverance and obedience!

” In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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55 comentários

  1. Thank you for sharing this. Before I came to the church I didn’t understand what faith was but now, I thank God for His work in me.

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  2. It’s those who are faithful to go until the end to persevere that will receive eternal life.. But in order for me to be motivated to the end is to be focused and to keep my mind on the end result; it’s just like a person who sacrifices to go work.. they work because they know at the end of the month they will find their wage in their bank afterward.

    My currency to keep going should be faith.

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  3. This is one message that will always remind me to keep my faith in God. Sometimes it’s so difficult to see our goals and ambitions come true but when I keep my eyes on what I want and not the struggle of getting there, I will be able to conquer what I want. The only way to achieve our goals in life is to keep fighting until the end. Things always get easier the more we go along we just have to not give up!

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  4. Very strong message that cleary explains the importance of Faith – it’s what keeps me going everyday. Thanks you.

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  5. Thank you for sharing, it is so important to keep on reminding myself about this, problem will alway be there but my main focus should be in my faith. This will help me to solve the problem and am happy to read this blog it was very incouraging.

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  6. For me life is like a race, its hard and it requires endurance, the obstacles like running out of breath and tiredness take full swing but the prize is what keeps us motivated to continue until the end. thank you Faith is really the key its not easy but we can through faith.

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