Devil vs. God

Viviane Freitas

  • 19
  • Nov
  • 2014

Devil vs. God

  • 19
  • Nov
  • 2014

Hello to all cybernauts. It is a pleasure to be here with all of you.

It wasn’t possible on Monday, but we’re here today to talk about the devil … the devil vs. God!
“ The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
(Jn.10: 10)
I believe you are well aware that this verse refers to the devil and what he does. And what does stealing mean? It is to take away what already exists and belongs to you. Kill: take life away, destroy and devastate the life of the person. And destroy: destroy marriage, dreams, and perspectives. This is the role of the devil.
I do not know what is going on with you my cybernaut friend, if you are being robbed, if you are being faced with death and destruction, or if you have life, as the Lord Jesus promised, who came to bring life in abundance. Everything that pertains to the realization of your dreams and of your spiritual life, it’s not only meant for a moment but for your entire life, in abundance.
Many people who are living in agony, in torment and destruction, don’t believe that a solution exists. Why? Because when they are living delicate and difficult situations, everything good that they think can happen, doesn’t happen! They even pray and ask God, but in vain. And there are reasons for this:
– You are praying with an emotional faith in which you are expressing situations, but don’t do anything for what you want to achieve; you ask God for strength but when faced with the problem you choose to be weak;
– You ask God to give you direction but expect him to do “magic”, when in reality, intelligent faith requires rational seeking; it does not use feelings or lives by what it sees or the circumstances. The intelligent faith plans what it wants to happen and provokes it! There is inner-strength to do it.
You who are sick, and that has been eating away your interior slowly, like a cancer, there is something happening; because I’ve been sick and in a situation where I prayed and cried out to God for an answer but when I was before the circumstances, going through the effects of what I was living in my health, I began to mutter and look at the circumstances and began to get sad. Everything I had prayed to God, for it not being a prayer with attitudes and definition, had no response.
It’s not that the devil touched me and did that, but there are circumstances in your life that you need to use the faith God gave you, which requires that you oppose doubts and the circumstances, and look towards what you believe. This is the intelligent faith that God has placed inside of you, but that has to be fed by rendering yourself, believing, and trusting. Then yes! You can actually testify, as it happened to me: I saw the power of God in my life. It was this year, when I entered the Sanctuary, and told myself: “I can’t go in there without using my faith. It doesn’t depend on you Lord, because you already took upon Yourself my sicknesses. And I don’t accept to enter in the sanctuary and come out the same way. ” I did everything I could in that prayer … I entered that Sanctuary, took my surrendering offering and I got the answer. On that same day I had the certainty!
Have you heard testimonies of people who came down from the altar and came out with a certainty? Exactly! That’s what happened. And you know why? Because, they went in with that faith.
It’s what has to be done, even in relation to other problems, such as in the family area. Because I also lived family problems: When my son came, he was not converted and was not born of God. He didn’t come ready! I had to trust in God, believe that He had brought him and not doubt of His power. Indeed, there were many things that made me upset, and at the beginning I even showed him my annoyance, which was nothing good, but God and the Holy Spirit, who guide us into all truth, told me: “It’s not right what you’re doing, Viviane … “. So, I put it unto Him again, I gave-up something that I really was afraid to let go … But I put it in God’s hands and did not insist. And that is how things began to roll. It wasn’t from one moment to the other, but in three months being with us, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Only through a miracle can that happen! So many people in the church, with more time inside of it, that haven’t been baptized … And why is that? I was sure that God brought Him not because I am “good person”, but because there was surrendering, certainty and disposition for many years.
God wants to see that from your part! So do not let the devil steal your faith, destroy your dreams or kill your hope. Look towards your goal and use your faith, because that is what God expects of you.
A big hug and I’ll see you until Friday.

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4 comentários

  1. Wow! Thank you Mrs. Viviane. Thank you for this message. It certainly helped a lot. I need to learn to trust God with my blessings.

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  2. Very strong helps me a lot, Thank you so much and God Bless you more and your family.

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  3. Thank you so much Mrs Viviane for sharing your experiences..It really helps me a lot..;-) God bless you more.

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  4. This blog made me realise that we all as individuals have goals and dreams, however the devil will try anything in his power to impede us from achieving what we want, learn how to use our faith in the right way to defeat the devil. For if we do this we would greatly please God. For I want something I have to act go outand get it for myself.

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