Assistant with a sharp knife in her hand!

Luisa Teixeira

  • 25
  • Jun
  • 2015

Assistant with a sharp knife in her hand!

  • 25
  • Jun
  • 2015

Before reading the assistant’s post of today, go to this link:
He’ll Provide – Campaign of Israel and listen to this beautiful song carefully, with spiritual “ears“.

Observe more deeply this excerpt of the letter:

With care and respect he prepared, an altar to God on that day
Placing the wood and the kindling to set it ablaze
He picked up his child bound with cords
Laid him onto the altar to slay
A sharpened knife in his hand he raised over his boy
Abraham stood firm in his faith, God’s plan he refused to deny
Ready to do any task his God had required

Today’s article, in a very simple way, aims to give you an introspection. Did you observe the underlined words?
They talk about you.

Could it be that you are preparing, or are you doing everything unthinkingly, like a robot?

Are you taking all the care and zeal in the small details, in the preparation of your sacrifice?

And I’m not only speaking about participating in the Campaign of Israel, but above all in the daily sacrifice, which begins within yourself, renouncing your “I”, your “five senses” (in the way you speak, think, see, touch, hear, etc.).

Do you remember last week’s article? Or are you an assistant presenting your life in a disorderly way to God, without any order and discipline? Consequently, you live complaining that the ” fire does not burn,” that is, that nothing extraordinary happens in your life.

Did you already pick up and bound the “boy”? Only you know who that boy is, and what it is … It may be related to your way of being or your strong character, that never were sacrificed.

Is your “knife” sharpened? Or rusty that you can’t cut anything? This “knife” is your faith, and if it’s not sharp, which means that it’s not in action, than you will never “cut” radically your feelings, emotions.

Abraham did everything by faith and from God’s plan he didn’t run away … and you assistant—are you willing to do what God asks you at this hour? Or will you once again run away?

I would like to know your thoughts about today’s article. I await your comment, which always enriches my life.

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11 comentários

  1. Powerful article Mrs V .faith that is rusty and not used ,wow and many servants of God get relaxed in their faith than its not possible to present a perfect sacrifice .that’s why many of them ain’t blessed the way they want

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  2. This Article is very strong. The thing that stood out to me is “is the knife sharpened or rusty that you can’t not cut anything?? The knife represents your faith. Without faith there is nothing some people loose faith because of situation in there life or the way the maintain their actions. We have to live a daily sacrifice meaning our actions. Sometimes we may look and think why Itsnt our life changing. You could give your offering Tiths and more. But the your actions have to reflect a true decent of God.

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  3. The thing that spoke to me the most is the bit whereit says the ‘small details’.For me ,God is looking for that from me in this campaign and I need to always make sure my knife is sharpened

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  4. that is very true and a touchy subject because one may never know her strength or faith until she puts it into action and come out with great results at end.So during this time of campaign and all the other days of my life, i will live my life as a sacrifice to my Lord Jesus.

    Thank you for the post!

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  5. My faith should be ready at all times, no matter what the obstacles!

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