#7 What to surrender?

Viviane Freitas

  • 11
  • Jun
  • 2016

#7 What to surrender?

  • 11
  • Jun
  • 2016

7th day – 11th June | Saturday | Matthew 2:9

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. ”

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10 comentários

  1. This message taught me the importance of participating in the 21 days fast of Daniel that it is an opportunity to get closer to God and having a strong communion with Him, and mostly having the assurance of my salvation. Thank you Mrs Viviane

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  2. I sincerely took part in 21 days of Fast of Daniel because i had an objective/goal that is to know Jesus Christ in person, have communion with Him not only by hearsy.My goal is to be baptised, filled with the Holy Spirit and not lose focus or destructed along the 21 days, will be attentive.

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  3. Thank you dona,this is so helpful, when we have goal Holy Spirit guide,Holy Spirit go Beafore us.
    Don’t wait for Noone keep focused on your goal and what you wont stay attentive.

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  4. Muito forte este áudio,realmente quando a pessoa tem um foco não deve esperar por ninguém. A pessoa deve ir em frente e não se deixar levar pelas circunstancias.Assim é para quem quer receber o Espirito Santo.

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  5. Thank you so much for the audio Mrs Viviane.I cannot begin to express how much these audios are helping me.Today I have had the opportunity to understand the importance of having a goal and being focused in accomplishing it.No matter the circumstances or opposition.Just like the wisemen

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  6. Thank you, the audio messages are truly helping me to search deeper on how I can surrender more each day in the 21 days of the Fast of Daniel.

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