40th day – Because my witness is true

Viviane Freitas

  • 1
  • Aug
  • 2014

40th day – Because my witness is true

  • 1
  • Aug
  • 2014

Hello everyone,

We have reached the 40th day of our fast; tell me, have you taken advantage of it? Have you seized the opportunity to be transformed, to change your thoughts about God and about yourself? Tell me… Let me know about your experiences!


I did not want to end here in this 40-day fast. I wanted to continue talking about the Book of John in the month of August. I would like to know your opinion on this.

I really want to be here with you on the Blog reading the Word of God together. I want you to take advantage of this, but not only you others as well.

You can testify by talking about what happened to you during these 40 days following this blog. If you find people who are going through a spiritual “crisis”, whether they have been in the Church recently or for a long time and are seeking for answers ask them to accompany the blog where we will continue to read from the Book of John.

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

The Pharisees therefore said to Him, “You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.”

Jesus answered and said to them, “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going.

You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one.

And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me.”(John 8:12-16)


The witness is true when we know where we came from and where we go. You might say, “I came from a broken family where my parents argued, where there was addiction, betrayal, lies, deceit, etc.” You know who you are physically, but you do not know what is inside of you. You only know God through information you have received; you know He is the Light of the world, The answer because you hear the Word of God in church. You know that with Him exist peace, purity, and holiness. The Spirit that is transmitted through the Word let’s you know that God exists. Maybe you are hearing the things of God from afar, but you do not know where you came from and who you are! You might know a few things, but not in depth.


If there is one way to know ourselves in depth it is when we approach the Light! There, we can see what is “rotten”, our imperfections, and our weaknesses. And when we “see” this there is no doubt that we will not seek God based on religion, but because of the need to “cry out” for help for an immediate response! Because we no longer want to live in darkness, or tormented.


“… for I know where I came from and where I am going…”


The Lord Jesus was perfect, He came from God, if you notice His life until then you will see that the Father always guided him! He did not do His own will, but the Father’s. He did not judge by himself, but through Him who sent Him.

He knew who the Father is, what the Father wanted Him to do, because He heard His voice!

He had a connection with God.


The way to be connected to Him is by hearing the Lord Jesus!


He says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”


Jesus did not invite those who are “perfect” to come to Him, but He invites you to come the way you are, full of mistakes, sins, and frustrations. Even if everyone else rejects you God extends His hands towards you, showing His power in your life. You must believe and recognize your situation. If you do not recognize your faults there is no way He can help.


“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

God says, “I have the light, direction, safety, balance you are looking for in your life” But if you want to continue in darkness, remain in your errors, and say it is too difficult to seek Jesus because you have to give up too much, then it shows that you find warmth and security in the darkness. When in fact, it gives you no security and that’s why you are like that! You are bitter, have a void, need to find answers, you think if you had a boyfriend, a husband, or a friendship, you will be satisfied, but it is not true. Precisely because there is no light, direction, or peace!


Regardless of where you are now, and even if you travel to anywhere else in the world, even if it is the most beautiful and wonderful place in the world it will not bring you peace because the void is inside of you!


Anyone who follows the Lord Jesus – the Light of the world – accepts His Word and obeys His commandments do not walk in darkness, they are not lost, without direction, anxious, sad, depressed, insecure, lonely and weak because these are characteristic of darkness. When there is light, even if you face difficult times like Lord Jesus Himself faced, situations of grief and anguish, they all come to pass. Those who walk in darkness, however, these moments are continuous in form of sadness, depression, frailty, weakness, and evil that constantly accompanies them. They live in torment constantly.


For those who are in the light, everything is temporary because they make use of the Word and take benefit of It. The Word of God gives them direction and they accomplish what they want.


“The Pharisees therefore said to Him, “You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.”

Jesus answered and said to them, “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going.”


Are you sure of your salvation? If Jesus comes back now, right now, will you be saved?

If you are really sure, then you have light, direction, peace, and security. But if you do not have this peace, live tormented, with the past constantly haunting your present, then you do not know where you are going and you will be full of fear and insecurity.


“… I judge no one.

And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me.”

That is our security! Whoever is with God is not alone in this world, but has this strength inside of them.


I will be waiting for your comments, your life testimony here on the Blog; this can make a difference in the lives of others. It is of great satisfaction to me because those who take advantage of this make ​​themselves chosen!

And if you have not yet taken advantage you still have a chance!


A big hug and we will be back with posts on the Book of John in August. Prepare yourself! Invite your family, friends, people who are far away from God to listen along with you. Call them for lunch and participate together in this purpose. Make disciples, friend, so that the Lord Jesus can be glorified in the lives of those who have not had the same opportunity as you.

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3 comentários

  1. Big thanks Miss Viviane, through my journey of faith 40 days Fast- Beimg One of Him, I saw changes on me. I become strong spiritually, courageous, and bold to tell the truth. In this Faith I’ve learn a lot. I’m blessed to have the light of God and direction, peace and security, and the most important of all the assurance of my salvation. And this journey I will put in practice all that I learned and keep learning, and motivate others to do also.
    Being One with Him, to our God must show the same characters of God, humbleness and faithfulness to the Father. And ready to do the will of Father and sacrifice. Being One with Him is a total surrendered to God, with all the body soul, mind and spirit with all our heart and understanding. To live by just and in a righteous life.

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  2. Big thanks Moss

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  3. Very strong message

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