19th day : When things get difficult, I change for the worst. Now what?
- 8
- Oct
- 2015
We are on the 19th day of the Fast, and the question for today is: “When things get difficult, I change for the worst. Now what?”
Accompany me in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 28, verse 47:
“Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you.”
My cybernaut friend, God does not want to destroy anyone! But when a person has God, better yet, goes to church, is accompanying the Blog, and even so, insists on living in the same way: working without any joy, or serving others without any gladness or kindness. Even though God has supplied all of their necessities, even then, they get tired, they murmur, have “fixed” thoughts in their mind, and think: “I have to work more, serve more…”; “At this hour, I have to do this? It’s past my work hours…”
Serving is something that is connected to your neighbor. You who are accompanying these posts during this Fast, saw that here we approached and discovered that God gets very sad, and there are things that make Him very upset… And all of this is connected to your neighbor, when you have a problem with them. Now imagine when you serve and present your offering to God, your tithe. You go to the front, put your tithe in the envelope, and you give it happily… You forget what you just delivered is the fruit of the work that you are doing… Slacking in your job, complaining about the boss, the weight of the responsibility, the things that you have to do and you do it with sadness, anger. You see that someone asks you to go beyond what they “supposedly” asked you to do and you feel offended because of your pride. That is not serving God!
And you say the following: “But my boss is possessed, the house chores can wait, I can do it another time. I am tired and at this moment, I do not want to do it like that…” Then, you go and speak to God, and you say “innocently”: “Look God, I don’t know what is happening with me. Why I am going through such horrible times? Why?” Because even though you had in abundance, even though you had all your needs met, you saw as a burden the fact that you had to serve your neighbor, whoever it may be! You do not have the right to serve with anger, burdened, and if you do that with those who are close to you, imagine with God whom you don’t see!
Your words were pretty for God, while you were praying and searching… But you forget how you were serving your neighbor! Be it in matters of respect, of reverence to others, in terms of putting yourself in “your place”. This makes God sad, because your lips say one thing, but your work, your service, is “heavy” and you cannot wait to go on vacation or to get home… Obviously working is stressful mentally, physically, depending on what you do, and you need time for rest. But this should not be the reason for you feeling “burdened”, of looking only at what you will gain. And you complain: “But my vacation…”; “My salary…”; “They took off 2 euros/dollars/pounds from my salary… Look at that!”
You don’t look at how you are serving and when you do it with sadness, you are not serving God with joy and kindness in your heart! What is kindness of the heart? It means not having malice!
You don’t look at your neighbor and say, “He is taking advantage of me!”, “She is doing this to humiliate me…”, “She wants to step on me…” You keep judging and condemning.
It is in these difficult times, cybernaut, that you have to correct your action, so that this doesn’t happen:
“therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies”
And what many people end up doing is they start serving their problems, their selfishness, and because of this they will have hunger, sadness, nudity, and nothing will go in their favor! Truly! Have you ever noticed that when you are selfish, you don’t want to serve… Notice how “thirsty” and “hungry” you are, and how you are needing everything! Because you serve your own selfishness, not you but your own ego, you turn into your own yoke of iron on your neck, in other words, you walk with a burden, head down, with a fallen face, and all of this will destroy you. It is not God that does this! It is your own sin!
We are on the 19th day of the Fast and you have to be watchful, the whole time, you cannot stop. You can think the following: “Oh after these 21 days, I will stop, I will do everything that I was missing during these 21 days!”
My cybernaut friend, you should have taken advantage of these 21 days, to resolve what was missing, because it will make you happy! You will have happiness and kindness of heart when you serve God the right way and not in the wrong way.
Take note of how you serve, do your best, and go beyond!
If you can, leave your comment below, do not start talking about things that have no importance. Write what you really need to say. If you do not have anything to say, there is no problem, but when you have an opportunity, or when you can… When we have something to give, when something is happening inside of us, we have to speak. I know this! When nothing happens, we stay pensive, really quite, and we program ourselves to speak.
A big hug to you all, and we will be back tomorrow!
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Triana, Austin Texas
10th October 2015 at 23:14
This post has helped me see that I have not been giving to God with a joyful heart at my job, at His house, at my home, neighbors. I have had this bible verse repeated in my head and had not understood but now, now I know what God wanted to say, this is what is missing, for God’s Spirit to dwell. I would feel so heavy like my soul would feel burdened when I would seek God, I wanted to praise him but I am so full of mistakes, every time I pray I felt like He will not come to me for how dirty and how I say I want to change but i keep making the same mistake. Murmuring at Job, at my Mom, at my Big Sister. I want God’s Spirit! And now I change what I need to change !
Thank you Ms. Viviane!
Dineo,South Africa
10th October 2015 at 4:13
I have not been serving God @ all the way that i should. I complain, i complain about a lot of things, a lot of people. Even if it means to complain about someone that i dont know, i meet them in the way.. Il have a lot to say in complain to them. Mrs Viviane, i am in the wrong, i know, i see it.
I had embraced this habit of complaining and even causing disputes.. Being harsh in everyway. It will has to come to an end… It will as i decide to Serve in Joy and in Gladness..