Reino de Dios: Nº7 – ¿Cómo es el Reino de Dios?​

Viviane Freitas

  • 22
  • Abr
  • 2016

Reino de Dios : Nº7 – ¿Cómo es el Reino de Dios?​

  • 22
  • Abr
  • 2016

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10 comentários

  1. Debemos ser humildes para antes de tomar cualquier decision.

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  2. Ay que ser humildes para reconoser y tomar la decicion ..

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  3. Ay que ser humildes para reconoser y tomar la decicion

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  4. I’ve been the person who talks to herself trying to find excuses in regards to whom I’ve been. Truly I’ve recognize my flaws and I want to work against them. But I’ve also been one to no longer care what others think because the amount of feedback I have received is unbelievable. And I have to admit also frustrating. I truly want to be different but I keep going up against myself and making the same mistakes over and over again. I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut when my guardian calls my attention. And when I’m screamed at I freak out and I want to shout back in defense. And I think I’m to old to blame my childhood but that’s truly the only explanation I have. I’m 26 but I feel like I’m 16. Just like I did when my parents left. And I’ve spent the last 10 years going in circles.
    I guess what I understood from this audio is that we decide. I decide when I want that seed to grow in me.

    I have to recognize my mistake and I have to allow it to grow. I can’t be a child crying about why I’m being treated a certain way. I have to see what’s wrong with me and fix it, if I truly want God to work in me. To mold me to His image.

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  5. I’ve been the person who talks to herself trying to find excuses in regards to whom I’ve been. Truly I’ve recognize my flaws and I want to work against them. But I’ve also been one to no longer care what others think because the amount of feedback I have received is unbelievable. And I have to admit also frustrating. I truly want to be different but I keep going up against myself and making the same mistakes over and over again. I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut when my guardian calls my attention. And when I’m screamed at I freak out and I want to shout back in defense. And I think I’m to old to blame my childhood but that’s truly the only explanation I have. I’m 26 but I feel like I’m 16. Just like I did when my parents left. And I’ve spent the last 10 years going in circles.

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  6. Muchas son las personas que escuchan la palabra mas no oye y es por eso que ellos escusan sus errores y no son humildes para reconocer y cambiar, yo he sido esa clase de persona estuve 7 años justificando mi carácter desagradable, hasta que un día decidí oír la voz de Dios en se día El me motró lo mucho que auto engañaba.

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