Returning to the Past – 49th Part

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • Aug
  • 2016

Returning to the Past – 49th Part

  • 9
  • Aug
  • 2016

Who has never had to sacrifice for a bigger dream?

Our life here on earth requires a constant sacrifice. What many do not understand is that the sacrifice God asks of us is always whatever is our “stumbling stone” and makes us feel heavy.

If you love your life more than God, you can be sure that this will become a burden. This will make you suffer. It will bring you pain, concerns, etc.

That is why I fully understand the meaning of sacrifice, and why year after year 2 times a year, there is the time of sacrifice in the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, because it is necessary for every human being to develop and perfect themselves.

The fact that I was sincere and looked at my greater desire to serve God, made me by free will want to sacrifice. Although my inner being did not want to, I saw no other alternative because the pain was really unbearable. But when I only focused on my main objective it gave me the courage to pronounce those words to God.

And God saw! He saw that I had no strength on my own and for that reason He made me go through the situation where I looked at the assistant and thought I should be crying for the people, instead of crying for my own problems. That made me realize what I should be doing.

It’s funny how every time I speak about this day to someone, my eyes fill with tears as I recall that particular moment when I realized I should be crying for the people. It’s that part that hurts me the most and moves me until today.

It was God who made me understand and realize what I had to do.
When our true desire is to obey and serve Him through Hiss mercy He sustains us when we have no strength.

I will be honest, I had made sacrifices to give everything before, and several times we had given all of Julio’s salary, but nothing marked me like that time. It was the first time I gave my life in an envelope. Even that God taught me: What my sacrifice is.

God does not see money.
God does not see amount.
God does not see the date.
God sees sincerity.
God sees obedience.
God sees the burning desire to serve Him.
God sees our interior.
God sees life.
God sees our surrender.
God sees our dependence on Him.
God really sees sacrifice.

Many “sacrifice” but do not give their life.
The sacrifice that is spoken about every day in the church… is your life! It is not just a day; a month or a year of your work it’s your life.

When I was on the altar giving up my biggest dream I was literally telling myself to let go of that dream to dream about God’s dreams. However, in my head I thought I was going to have to live with that pain for life.

Look at this that is giving your life!
This is surrendering your future!
Look at how I put serving God above myself!
Look at how my interior was putting a limit to my will to surrender to God’s will.
Look at the dependence on Him and not just searching for something to replace the “hole” left by the pain of missing the children.
Look at how I renounced a personal dream to dream about God’s dreams!
Look at the fire from the altar, the call to serve in the altar above the court! Look at the pain for the souls!

How much money did I give?
What was above my personal dreams?

At that moment, it was more than all the money I could give.
At that time money would not have been my life or my surrender.

I always questioned in my heart, what God wanted from me.
Every campaign of Israel, or any other, I asked myself: “What is my sacrifice, what does the Lord want me to give up?”

It is an honor when we hear specifically what He asks of us, because it makes us grow in every aspect of our lives.

You can see the difference in the lives of those in The Universal Church, the difference between members and members, assistants and assistants, and Pastors and Pastors.

We are all tested by our actions or the circumstances that we go through and the choices we make.

There are times and situations in this life that we are required to sacrifice: death, separation, illness, relationships, marriage, family problems, etc. Some learn to sacrifice these pains to God while other just blaspheme.

Those who choose to sacrifice themselves that is their lives, they have a different life from those who don’t. They stand out before God and are blessed in everything they do and those around them begin to recognize this blessing of God in their lives.

Their life glorifies God, because they show God.

You can even see that the faith and communion of those who give testimonies of what they sacrificed, is different. They have a living faith! They have life! There is harmony between that person and God.

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5 comentários

  1. WOW! What a wonderful message because i learnt that i should not love my life more than God and Sacrifice is the only way.

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  2. thanks. you should not see sacrifice as a burden for truly is a way for God to change our lives and when we sacrifice we must give our lives and not concentrate on what we are sacrificing, being it money.

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  3. woow! SACRIFICE ALL THE WAY. I understand that sacrificing in faith connects someone to God, it is through sacrifice that God will reveal Himself to the life of someone and change their life for the best.

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  4. Mrs. Viviane, I’ve accompanied your blog but what has stuck out the most out of all these posts is:

    “God does not see money…
    God really sees sacrifice.”

    Im going through a desert at the moment and recently fulfilled a personal vow with God. Even though the voice of doubt arose, when I read that “God sees our burning desire to serve Him”, it reassured my faith and belief that God will answer me because of the intention of what I asked for. Thank you

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  5. Thank you. Learning about your past and how you overcame your struggles has been helping me with my own. Now I understand that everyone goes through difficult and unexplainable situations . That test us , try to distract and discourage us .especially when your greatest desire is to please God and be used by Him. But now I know that I have to sacrifice my dream and focus on God’s dream even if my insides are shouting ‘no’ , Because it is hindering Him from using me the way He wants. I wish I could tell you how much you have helped me but I don’t know how to explain. All I can say is thank you so much Mrs.Viviane. may the Lord bless you more and keep you.

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